How to fulfill your dream in ten easy steps

How to fulfill your dreams in ten easy steps?While setting your Dream ‘remember law of attraction’ You attract what you think about. hence, for achieving dreams we need to set Goals for that we need to Follow the ten powerful steps for setting goals.1. Have a Strong Belief:- Belive & have faith on your self.Continue reading “How to fulfill your dream in ten easy steps”

हर विद्यार्थी को ये अवसर मिलना चाहिए कि वो अपनी सुविधा और जरूरत के हिसाब से किसी डिग्री या कोर्स को Follow कर सके। हम उस युग की तरफ बढ़ रहे हैं जहां कोई व्यक्ति जीवन भर किसी एक प्रोफेशन में ही नहीं टिका रहेगा। इसके लिए उसे निरंतर खुद को Re-skill और Up-skill करतेContinue reading

Hardest challenge brought out the best out best out in me.

Greetings! When the going gets tough the tough gets going ! I would like to share my experience of Covid-19 . Just before lockdown I sensed there will be a long fight against Covid-19 . I would like to share how without compromising the safety of family and colleagues we  utilized this time effectively. IContinue reading “Hardest challenge brought out the best out best out in me.”

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